Destroying An Alien Invasion With Pocket Change

De Wiki - Corporación Leo Doncel
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>> Today's episode is brought to you by Squarespace. >> Head on over to, sign up for a free trial and get 10% off with promo code Rogue. >> Do it now, right now. While we're watching. >> No, yeah, it can wait. >> We can see you. [upbeat music] [shouts] [slowed audio] [shriek] >> Too much? Is that too much? >> It's perfect. >> All right dude be cool, when you, no be cool. >> I'm cool. >> Be cooler than you're being. >> We had a good run. We got almost a year, the changeling's back. Don't turn around, don't turn around, don't turn around. We got to take it out once and for all, as we know, changelings can only be destroyed by one thing. >> Potatoes. >> No, because if that had worked, he would have been destroyed. Take this you alien son of the [bleep]! [gunshot blasts] [shouts] Did we get him sir? Yes, sir. Good job, soldier. >> Ready? [gun shot pops] [laughs] It didn't blow at off. >> He's fine. >> He's immortal! There's only one way, I have a new theory. >> Goggles. >> Where does that come from? That was never a thing. >> Okay what are we hitting him with first? >> Eye protection. [laughter] No I mean put on eye protection. >> It's his kryptonite. Brian's got the secret, he hates goggles. >> Only change can kill the changeling, and I don't mean like transformational change and I certainly don't mean that crappy conspiracy theory. I mean actual loose change. >> Okay. >> You read IT, right? >> Yes. >> They believed in it, that happens. >> So if we just believe in this money, like throwing a wish into a well. >> Is what this episode is about is about belief in money? Because you're right, what if we stop believing in money? >> As you've called it, the shared hallucination? >> Let's kill the changeling. >> Let's kill the changeling. >> Unfortunately, the one part I haven't figured out is how on earth can you deliver a bag of loose change with enough force to knock the head off of an alien. >> We got to go primitive with it. Old school. >> Primitive Technology. Let's change the name of our channel to that. Have you ever thrown a sling? >> No. >> Have you ever made a sling? >> No, I have not. I'm just saying that everyone today should be wearing helmets. >> I'm with you, let's just dive in. We're going to make it out of paracord. If I remember correctly, a sling is usually like leather and a pouch that's a thong that you swing to get more momentum to throw a rock and then you release and it's fairly accurate. >> Exactly. It's one of the oldest weapons known to man. >> And in this case, we're going to build one out of paracord. >> Exactly. >> So this is what, an urban assault scenario where you have a magical crystal that needs to, you know, bop the dude from IT right between the eyes. >> Oh, totally. Did they do that? >> I don't know. >> First things first, we want to measure it, you're going to want about 12 feet of paracord. So good way to do that is fingertip to fingertip, right? >> I remember learning this as a kid is that your approximate height is roughly your wingspan, arm-span? >> Wingspan works, yeah. >> If you're about six feet tall, then an arm-span, maybe a little bit of looseness on there. How much of this length do we want to dedicate to basketing, And how much do we want swingingness? >> Those are technical terms by the way, the swingingness? Trademarked, and copyrighted. You can make your basket in the middle of it as wide and long as you want. >> Yeah. >> That'll depend on how big you want your projectiles. Usually you're just going to want it about like that. >> Yeah. >> And that actually uses up quite a bit of length of paracord. >> This is the part where I confess I don't know, I never did Macramé, are we doing Macramé? We're doing Macramé. >> Is this what that's called? >> We're doing Mongolian yarn art, sells itself. >> We are so multicultural. >> Now get out there and sell it. >> So take the tip of it one hand. >> Yep. >> Stretch it out the length of your arm. >> Done. And then we're going to pick something just slightly shorter than the length of your arm. >> Bicep? Got it. >> Yeah, put it out there. lay that down. And then that's going to be one of the arms, right. >> One of the, the swingy arms. >> Yeah, we're going to make the basis of our basket right here. So we're going to put a basket basis, two bites in the basket basis. Right there. So we put those two bites, now that, is that too big for the basket, do you think? >> I think that's right, yeah yeah. >> Good. So we've got those right there. We're just going to make two money ears, right? >> Okay. >> We're doing a build a basket and I'm going to hold those. >> Okay. >> You are going to take. This thread right here. >> Yep. Got it. >> And you're going to go, you're going to weave it through. Okay? >> So in one ear out the money ear, in the money ear. >> Yep. >> And then I assume this is still part of it? >> That's still the arm. >> Okay, so that lives over there, then pull it tight? >> I'm going to pull it tight. I'm just going to assume that I'm doing this right. And then do the reverse coming from the other direction. >> Oh, so we're just we're just braiding, basically. >> Exactly. >> So in this case, it goes over, and then what, it comes back the other way. And then down and then up. Yeah, I got this, and then down, I think I've got it. And then up. And then. >> I think we may have. >> No, no, no, no, we got, there we go. Oh yeah. Oh you can see okay, you see see we're basketing. Do you see it, here pretty soon you're going to see it. I'm going to keep on weaving and all I'm doing is we're. Oh wow it's coming together, are you seeing it? >> I'm seeing a basket. >> You're starting to see the basket. >> Yeah well I am shocked at how quick this started to make sense. I'm thrilled it seems like we're making this correctly I just now realized that we're going to have to figure out how to use it to kill the changeling. >> Oh yeah, that's going to be a problem. >> I think we did it. >> Did we do it? >> I think we did it. Here, so if you let go that is messy but effective. Put a rock in it, see what happens. Keep it lose. >> Want a smaller rock? >> I don't know, like, oh, there we go. So once you've made a basket, you've got something that can swing around and a pocket to hold a thing. And now we just have to figure out how to use a sling. I'm going to try to do the sling thing ready? >> Nope. Close enough. >> I mean, in concept that worked really, it worked. That's perfect. We did it perfectly. We are perfect. So here's a perfect replica that I made earlier, which is an exact replica of that one. And I didn't actually make it, this was Annaliese, >> But it's pretty much the same. >> Yeah, no Look. One little thing for one finger. You want to tie a little loop around the end. >> I know that in principle you swing a thing around and you let go. I guess you put your finger in there just to keep it from flying away. >> Precisely. >> Okay. >> Yeah, I guess. >> That's it, man. Are we ready? >> Let's kill that mother [bleep]. >> Let's kill that mother [bleep]. >> Set up the Ch-ILD. >> Changeling. >> Shooting gallery. >> Changeling shooting gallery. >> Yes, It's an acronym. >> Yep, some people are new. So I guess this is the part where we figure out how to use the sling. I assume you, you swing it around and let go, right? >> Come on. It was something they came up with thousands of years ago. We can't figure it out? >> People were dumb back then, right. They were still using Friendster. All right here, I guess what. >> Kill the son of a [bleeps]. >> The rock in the basket. >> Hold on, hold on. >> And I got my finger the loop. >> Yep. >> I'm just going to guess that you give me another rock. >> Okay. >> That one's gone. Okay, so I'm going to guess that as long as I'm swinging the centripetal force, I'm doing the thing. >> You're doing the thing. >> And I assume I just aim and let go? >> Should I. >> I don't know. >> I feel like I should have a helmet. Just go just go that hard. Go that hard, how about that? >> I need a rock though. >> Okay. Yeah, I got more. >> All right. I'm going to swing it for real hard. >> Okay. >> And I don't know. >> For reals hard? >> Yeah. Okay. >> I feel like I should take cover. You got him. He's got you. >> Nope, I almost got the murder bus. I like the sound it makes. >> Yeah, that sounded exciting. >> Okay, you got this. >> Pinched at the end. >> I think he just he just got closer, by the way. I don't know if you noticed that. >> All: Oh, oh. >> He's almost. >> Okay, two things. >> Okay. >> Number one, the accuracy. I don't know that I could throw a rock and reliably hit that but everything's aligned on one axis and all of a sudden it's just a matter of zeroing in and then letting go. I don't know, I think I might be able to get him. >> Is this the one. >> Here we go. I hit the car. >> That's okay, that's okay. >> Okay, here we go. How close was I? >> You over-corrected to the left. >> Too far to the left? >> To far to the left. >> I think you really want to have this be even, right? >> Yeah. >> Okay. >> Otherwise you'll lose the risk of your rock falling out at the wrong time. >> Oh my gosh, that was so close. And it sounds so awesome. >> I think it's time for the magic bullets. All right dude. Magical ordnance go time. We're going to use change to defeat the changeling change in a bag from Australia. Thank you Graham Whittaker. Hopefully I don't throw away a bunch of change. Here we go. Take, this changeling That hit the shack. >> Maybe he used telekinesis on the projectile. >> Yes, he has a deflection shield Past the shed, it's into the murder pit. Those are good fake outs. >> Yeah. >> This time for real. >> He's scared. >> All right, changeling. I know it's not really the sling or the change. It's my belief in them. That's going to destroy you. Oh, that was so close. >> Good, man. >> I was so close. >> Good. Now I'm getting mad. >> Turn back the tide of the Galactic invasion. Oh so close. Damn it. Okay, here we go. We have to fix the knot. [laughter] [cheering] >> Too much? Was that too much? >> It's perfect. We did it, once and for all. His head really just kind of fell off, I didn't even hit him in the head. It's fine, it's fine. >> That's the power of change. Probably about $1.35 maybe $1.37. >> Oh, that's so good. Dude that would wreck somebody in real life. >> Man I wish I'd thought to put some something gross in here so you can eat it. >> Oh god. What do you think the one person left on the internet who hasn't heard of Squarespace is like? >> A vile, wretched and sad thing. Eating scraps from under couches. I just realized somewhere out there somebody is genuinely caring about it for the first time from us. >> You wretched creature. >> No no, you're fine. You're great. You just haven't heard the good word. >> We're here to spread it for you. >> You haven't heard that websites can be fast, easy, reliable, with beautiful award winning templates. All you do is put your content in there and there's nothing to patch nothing to upgrade. It's going to look super pro and amazing. >> Yeah, you don't have to draw things on the sidewalk, take the picture and then post that on your website anymore. They have themes, they can look pretty. >> Although maybe that should be a theme actually. >> Sidewalk art? >> Head on over to Sign up for a free trial. And when you do use the service, all you got to do is put Rogue at checkout, you'll get 10% off your order and more importantly, you'll be keeping us in business. >> Yeah, stop putting up your youtuber website template like the Morlocks do. Stop being a hideous freak. >> You do you Morlocks. >> Yeah, CHUD. >> CHUDS. [laughter] >> I got to tell you, I'm calling shenanigans on the Return of the Jedi. Like the whole thing. The Ewoks did not beat the Empire with crap like that. It just didn't happen. >> I mean you're not wrong. >> I mean, I know they're psychotic little man eating murder bears, but still.