A Appealing And Functional Kitchen
In a small space, it is best to keep it simple. To give the illusion of height, hang draperies from poles mounted as close to the ceiling as possible. Banish fussy window treatments from small automatic gate and instead hang simple panels or a crisp Roman shade. Be careful not to obstruct too much of the window opening and keep in mind technique #3.
The Metal Element colors bring precision and clarity of thought to a space. Gray is a great color for home offices or entries. White brings tranquility, and is best used as a contrast to brighter colors, or in bathrooms or meditation spaces.
Keep in mind that whichever room mantel that is hired will be inside everyone's living space. It isn't the same as a group of people working outside or on the roof, these people will be right there in the home.
Where do you go from here? Many times when we find something new that we love, we are hesitant to ask questions. Unfortunately, most of us will not risk, or invest the time to learn more about it.
Home staging is a set of techniques that give a home a universal buyer appeal through various actions, so that the buyer can envision his family in that home. This should not be confused with rocking chairs made with clothespins or decorating, which serves a different function.
One final thought; make sure that the final effect is a collaborative decision, and one that you truly love. If you are not comfortable with an idea, then keep looking for other options. This is not the time to hold your opinion. Share your thoughts about the direction of the Interior Design Project. The best results are when all members of your design team, Home Owner, Home Builder, Interior Designer, Architect and Professional Decorative Artist are involved in this fun, yet challenging inter design process.
Print your shopping and option spreadsheets, tuck them into your binder with your images and samples and have it handy when you are shopping to keep you focused.
As for any cons to using granite, there really is not any bad side to using this stone in your home. With the above mentioned properties, it is no wonder that granite is so popular among selecting college dorm.
Hire a marketing consultant for a day just to brainstorm on your business and its opportunities. Do some futon sofa beds beforehand and develop some guidelines for the discussion so that your day can be most productive.